Increase Revenue, Control Prices, Remove Unauthorized Sellers

We Help Brands
Grow and Win Online

About Us

We Help Brand Owners and Manufacturers Regain Control of Their Brand Online.

Our company understands the many challenges of selling on an online retail marketplace. We go above and beyond to help  our partnered brands to realize their potential online and regain control of their brand image, distribution channels, and pricing.  We work closely with you to protect your brand online.


Protect Your Brand

Our online retail specialists will help your brand identify unauthorized sellers on your listings and MAP Policy breakers that are causing issues with your brick and mortar partners.


Optimize Your Listings

As a preferred seller, we specialize in listing optimization that will show your brand in the best light with quality images, sales copy and important keywords so that your listings are found by those consumers in search of your products.

Promote your Brand

Once your listings have been fully optimized, it is time to drive traffic to them.  We work to promote your brand and increase organic sales by implementing Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaigns through Sponsored Ads.  This helps to put your products front and center on the first page of search.

Scale Your Distribution

Wanting to Expand into other Markets? is not the only online marketplace we sell on and for those brands wanting to expand to other markets globally we can assist you with that.

Why Choose US?

We are more than just another retailer.  We are a brand partner.

We don’t just sell your products, but we work with brands to add value by implementing several strategies that will increase your market share domestically and abroad.  These include MAP Enforcement, Listing Optimization, Product Promotion, Brand Registry, Inventory Management, and Customer Feedback Management. All at No Cost to you.  Most other sellers just purchase and sell your products, without adding any value to the Brand.  Our priority is to go above and beyond each brands expectation and provide exceptional service.  

What We Do

4Luxe Brands will Implement Strategies to Protect your Brand and to Maximize Marketing, Advertising and Logistics to Help Increase Sales.

Retail Partner

As a trusted Retail Partner, we will purchase your products at wholesale and work to implement strategies for Brand Protection, Listing Optimization, Advertising and Logistics to build your Brand and Increase Sales. All at No Cost to You.

Agency Partner

As an Agency Partner, you maintain complete control over your online presence, while taking advantage of our expertise and specialized Advertising, Marketing and Brand Management services. All through your own Seller Central Account.

+ %
Amazon's Share of Ecommerce Market
+ %
Consumers Who Begin Online Shopping Searches on Amazon
+ %
Consumers More Likely to Buy on Amazon than Other Sites
+ M
Amazon Prime Subscribers Worldwide


There are 2 options we recommend to help eliminate unauthorized sellers that violate your MAP policies.

Option 1: We have a partnership with a legal firm that specialized in MAP enforcement and can assist you in quickly removing unauthorized and rogue sellers.

Option 2: The other option is to authorize us to sell your products on your chosen marketplace(s).  With this option, we become a valued partner and can add significant value to your Brand.  This value will not only include MAP Enforcement, but Listing Optimization, Product Promotion, Inventory Management and Customer Feedback Management.

Essentially All of them.

When we partner with your brand, we take on the following responsibilities:

  • Listing Creation
  • Listing Optimization (e.g. Copywriting, Images, Keyword Research)
  • Product Promotion (e.g. Sponsored Advertising)
  • Inventory Management
  • Reviews and Customer Feedback
  • Customer email support
  • Returns
  • Brand Registry
  • Map Enforcement Assistance


No. Absolutely Not. 

We are actually an e-commerce retailer and your brand partner.  Unlike a traditional marketing agency, 4Luxe Brands does not charge you fees.  Instead, we will purchase bulk inventory directly from you at an agreed upon price that allows both parties to earn a profit on each sale.  With this business model, our goals are in complete alignment with yours which fosters a win-win partnership.  

Or if you prefer, we offer Brand Management services with allows you to have complete control over your brand all through your own Seller Central Account. Please contact us for additional information on this service.

Absolutely not. When we place an order, it will be in bulk and we will have you ship it to one of our prep warehouse facilities. Any and all necessary prep will be completed where we will then ship to Amazon’s warehouse(s) so they can handle order fulfillment.  It’s as easy as that.

When you partner with 4Luxe Brands, you will have contact with a member of our team who will be happy to take your call or email and respond back quickly.